The columbarium

Throughout most of Springfield’s history, burial in the cemetery has been the only option. However, late in the 20th century, the number of cremations increased rapidly, and in the 2020s cremations now make up the majority. Cremation is accepted and approved by all major faiths and is much more economical than traditional burial.

The Memorial Association recognized this trend early on, and in the early 1990s started plans

to build a columbarium to hold cremated remains. After much discussion, a site was chosen on the north side of the cemetery.

The columbarium was designed by architect William Freeman and was completed in 1993 at a cost of $92,000, using accumulated funds from the Memorial Association’s
investments. The money will be gradually recouped and re-invested over the years as the spaces are sold.

The columbarium has over 200 niches. They are double sized, so that each can hold two sets of ashes. Cost of a niche is currently $1,600 for members of the Springfield Memorial Association. This includes the niche itself, opening and closing costs for placing the ashes, and a bronze plaque with name(s) engraved on it. Cost for non-members is $1,750, which includes the cost of joining the association.

In addition to placement in the columbarium, many families are now choosing to bury ashes in a regular plot. This saves both space and expense, since more than one set of ashes can be buried in a single plot. Ashes can also be placed above a previously buried traditional vault if necessary.

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