Monthly Archives: January 2019

Springfield’s connections with Civil Rights

Quakers were the first organized church to decide that slavery is against God’s will, and that no one could be a member of the Society of Friends and own slaves. One of the best-known early leaders was John Woolman, a … Continue reading

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A growing community

Good morning, Friends! Ever since New Year’s, we’ve been talking about different views of what it means to be a spiritual community – a community that prays, a community that lives in unity, a community based on hope. Today I … Continue reading

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A community of hope

Good morning, Friends! I hope you’re all doing well! Last week at worship, we had fun with the children’s message. One of our kids, little Lillie, helped tell the parable of the one little sheep that got lost, and the … Continue reading

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A united and peaceful community

Good morning, Friends! I hope you’re all doing well this week. Thank you all for coming this morning. I know the weather isn’t great, and I appreciate the effort you made to be here! Last week, we talked about prayer. … Continue reading

Posted in Sermons, Uncategorized | 1 Comment

A praying community

Good morning, Friends! We’re starting out the New Year, and people always like to make resolutions to get the New Year started. Sometimes I think we make too many resolutions, or we make ones we know we’re not likely to … Continue reading

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