Monthly Archives: July 2018

The Best Way to Pray

Good morning, Friends! We’ve been reading the Psalms here at worship for the last few weeks. We got started when we found out at Wednesday night Bible study that most people had never even read the Psalms. In some churches, … Continue reading

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Be still

Good morning, Friends! We’ve been looking at the Psalms together for about a month now. This got started because at our Wednesday night Bible study, it turned out that people weren’t familiar with most of them. A few people remembered … Continue reading

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Right beneath our feet (July 2018)

Every summer, our family tries to spend our vacation at a cottage in Vermont. It’s been in the family for almost 100 years now, and it’s one of the most peaceful places I know. It’s up on a mountain road … Continue reading

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The nation whose God is the Lord

Good morning, Friends! I’m sure that today, in churches all over town and all around the country, ministers are saying some very predictable things this morning. There are people who are talking about the things they think made this country … Continue reading

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