Author Archives: Josh

Praying for healing

Good morning, Friends! Thank you all for coming today! We’ve been talking here for the last 6 weeks at worship about prayer. It’s a big subject, and as Christians, we’re supposed to know all about prayer. We talked about the … Continue reading

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Prayer makes us strong

Good morning, Friends! Thank you all for coming today. If you’ve been coming here for the last 6 weeks, we’ve been talking a lot about prayer. Prayer is the conversation we have with God. And there are many kinds of … Continue reading

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Prayer comes in different sizes

Good morning, Friends! I hope you’re all doing well this week. For the last several weeks, we’ve been talking a lot about prayer. We looked at the Lord’s Prayer, the prayer Jesus himself taught us. We enjoyed a whole morning … Continue reading

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Come to the quiet. . .

Good morning, Friends! Thank you all for coming to worship. I said last week that we’re starting a series of messages this summer about prayer. Last week we looked at the Lord’s Prayer, which is one of the very best … Continue reading

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The prayer that Jesus taught

Good morning, Friends! We’ve had a break for a couple of weeks from our usual worship. We had a wonderful music Sunday. And last week, we had a wonderful youth Sunday. We’re really into summer now. And for the next … Continue reading

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United we stand

Good morning, Friends! I hope you’re all enjoying the three-day holiday weekend. I think we need holidays like this every so often. The pace of work, the pace of life today, is so fast. There’s so much pressure. It just … Continue reading

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On fire

Suddenly a sound like the blowing of a violent wind came from heaven and filled the whole house where they were sitting. They saw what seemed to be tongues of fire that separated and came to rest on each of … Continue reading

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God is like a mother

Good morning, Friends! Happy Mother’s Day! In the old days, Quakers didn’t used to celebrate public holidays very much. 200 years ago, Quakers didn’t even celebrate Easter and Christmas. But you know, women and their contribution aren’t always recognized, in … Continue reading

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251. . .and counting!

Good morning, Friends! I want to start off this morning by telling you all a story. This guy was eating his breakfast one morning. His wife came over to him, gave him a hug. She smiled, and said, “I bet … Continue reading

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Remember me. . .

Good morning, Friends! Thank you all so much for coming today. We come here every Sunday, partly to greet each other, and to see our friends. We come here to enjoy some music, and to spend some time in prayer. … Continue reading

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