Monthly Archives: August 2018

What’s in a name?

Good morning, Friends! We’ve been spending some time in the book of Genesis this month – Genesis is the book of beginnings, one of the oldest books in the Bible. Most people, when they think about Genesis, think about the … Continue reading

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Made in God’s image

Good morning, Friends! Last week we talked about Adam and Eve. It’s a big subject, and we only just got started on it. There’s all kinds of questions that we never got around to. For example: what did God say after creating … Continue reading

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How it all went wrong

Good morning, Friends! This summer we spent a couple of months looking at the Psalms — some of the oldest songs and prayers we know, going back 3,000 years. But there’s other things in the Bible that go back a … Continue reading

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How can I help the meeting (August 2018)

Almost everywhere I visit, in almost every phone call I make, people say, “I wish I could help more!” A lot of the time, they add, “But I don’t know what to do.” Well, our buildings are in pretty good … Continue reading

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