Monthly Archives: February 2023

The “New” Meetinghouse of 1927

Springfield worships today in the “new” meetinghouse, which was finished in 1927. We’ve been meeting here now for 96 years! This is actually the fourth meetinghouse to serve as home to Springfield Friends. The first two were log cabin-type buildings … Continue reading

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Lord, teach us to pray. . .

Good morning, Friends! Thank you all again for coming today. People often ask how Jesus was able to do all the things he did. You might say, “Well, he was the Son of God!” But one of the other things … Continue reading

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The Fire of 1942

On Sunday, February 22, 1942, 81 years ago, our meetinghouse was almost destroyed by fire. At 9:30 a.m., shortly before Sunday School was to start, Susan Millikan arrived and discovered “a tiny red flame licking its tongue hungrily under the … Continue reading

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My name is Legion. . .

Good morning, Friends! Thank you all for coming to worship today. I hope you’ve all had a great week. Today I want to read a story most of us have probably heard before. It’s a story about how Jesus met … Continue reading

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The Freedom Stone

Hidden in a dark corner of the Museum of Old Domestic Life for many years was a large greenish rock which was brought here from the Allen U. Tomlinson farm. The rock has an arrow roughly gouged into one side. … Continue reading

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Springfield and civil rights

Quakers were the first organized church to decide that slavery is against God’s will, and that no one could be a member of the Society of Friends and own slaves. One of the best-known early leaders was John Woolman, a … Continue reading

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