Monthly Archives: May 2019

Raising eagles

Good morning, Friends! Happy Mother’s Day! On Mother’s Day, we feel very sentimental, and we always like to remember all the good things our mothers taught us. We owe so much to our mothers. So much love. So much wisdom. … Continue reading

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Blueprint for a congregation

Good morning, Friends! Happy birthday! Why, it seems like just yesterday that you were a little bitty Friends meeting, starting out in a log cabin in the woods, way out in the wilderness. My, how you’ve grown! You don’t look … Continue reading

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Simplicity (May 2019)

One of the hallmarks of Friends is supposed to be simplicity. Along with peace, truthfulness, equality and the belief that God speaks through ordinary people, simplicity is a characteristic of Quakers. Or at least, that’s what we say. Once upon … Continue reading

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