Monthly Archives: December 2017

God with us

This is how the birth of Jesus the Messiah came about: His mother Mary was pledged to be married to Joseph, but before they came together, she was found to be pregnant through the Holy Spirit. Because Joseph her husband … Continue reading

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What does an angel look like?

A few years ago, as I got ready for Christmas, I went around asking people, “You know, what does an angel really look like?” I’m sure if I asked each one of you, either you’d say: 1) “Well, I don’t … Continue reading

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What were they waiting for?

Good morning, Friends! I’ve got a question to start us off this morning. What do you all do to get ready for Christmas? What kinds of things are you doing this month? Are some of you buying presents? We do … Continue reading

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Christmas is coming! (December 2017)

I love Christmas. I love it in spite of everything we do to the holiday. Yes, I get tired of the mindless music in the malls and stores, the never-ending TV specials, the advertising that started back in September, the … Continue reading

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