Monthly Archives: November 2017

Not optional

Well, today’s a big day, Friends! I’m not talking about this being the Sunday after Black Friday. I’m not talking about who’s playing football this afternoon. Today we’re finishing up the series of messages I’ve been giving since September about … Continue reading

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Our Thanks/Giving Ratio

On his way to Jerusalem, Jesus traveled along the border between Samaria and Galilee. As he was going into a village, ten men who had leprosy met him. They stood at a distance and they called out in a loud … Continue reading

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Like yeast

Good morning, Friends! We’ve got something simple to talk about today. That’s because Jesus mostly talked with ordinary people, like you and me. Jesus often used ordinary, familiar things to talk with people about the kingdom. Have you ever noticed, … Continue reading

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Ready and waiting

Good morning, Friends! This fall we’ve been looking at stories Jesus told in the gospel. All of Jesus’ stories begin with some ordinary, everyday event, something we see all the time, and Jesus uses it to illustrate something important about … Continue reading

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Thanksgiving (November 2017)

Every year we celebrate Thanksgiving. It’s a holiday which remembers the Pilgrims, who landed in the New World in 1620. The Pilgrims hold a special place in my family, because they’re part of my ancestry on my father’s side. I’m … Continue reading

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