Monthly Archives: January 2021

Unless the Lord builds the house

Good morning, Friends! Ever since the beginning of the New Year, I’ve been taking us through some of the Psalms. And as I said last week, there are Psalms for every occasion and for every mood that we find ourselves … Continue reading

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God is our refuge and strength

Good morning, Friends! I’m glad to see every one of you who’s here today. Thank you for coming!I hope you’ve all been OK. It’s a blessing just to see you. We pray for you, but every now and then it’s … Continue reading

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A time to heal

Good morning, Friends! This has been a very difficult week. We’ve had days of bad news from Washington. And we had the most deaths from COVID in a single day. I wish that I had an answer for everything this … Continue reading

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A prayer of hope

Good morning, Friends! Happy New Year! Welcome to 2021! It always takes me a week or two to get used to saying the right number for the new year. I always make a mistake the first few times when I’m … Continue reading

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