Monthly Archives: March 2024

Can we bear this glory?

Good morning, Friends! Happy Easter! We’ve already had a lot of Easter things this morning. We’ve had songs and flowers. Some of us came early for a good breakfast. You may have even started getting into some of your Easter … Continue reading

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The way of the cross

Good morning, Friends! Happy St. Patrick’s Day! Spring has arrived, and just like in Ireland, there are a thousand shades of green here in North Carolina. This is such a beautiful time of year. Of all the Sundays in the … Continue reading

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Glimpses of glory

Good morning, Friends! You’ve heard me say before, “Today’s scripture is one of the most important stories in the Bible.” But it IS! Churches all over the world are reading this one this month. It shows up in three of … Continue reading

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She has done what she could. . .

Good morning, Friends! Welcome to the month of March! You may not know this, but back in ancient times, March 1st was the start of the New Year. It kind of makes sense – winter is over, spring is just … Continue reading

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