The Founding of Springfield

In 1773 a meeting for worship was started at Springfield. At this time Friends had to ride on horseback or go on foot, but it was a very necessary and important part of their life that they meet together for worship. So far as it is known there is no record of what this first meeting house at Springfield was like, but it was built on a hill-top overlooking the field of the seven springs. Probably for the sake of euphony the field of springs became known as Springfield. Word quickly spread that here was a fertile and desirable place in which to live. Other Friends came, so that in seven years, or in 1780 Deep River Monthly Meeting granted Springfield the privilege of holding a Preparative Meeting.

Sara R. Haworth, “Springfield 1773-1940”, page 9
Original log school house. First community school, about 1773
eventually moved about 3/4 mile east of Springfield
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