History of the Picnic Shelter

The History of the Picnic Shelter by Sandra Culler

The original picnic shelter was built in 1956 with $500 donated by the John J. Blair class. The total cost was not to exceed $2,000.

For many years, the front half was open and the back portion was an enclosed storage place for the lawn equipment. When the meeting found an outside company to take care of the grounds, the storage area was no longer needed, but the whole structure was in disrepair.

Dustin Culler had approached Monthly Meeting about making this a usable area again. He began collecting donations from classes and individuals in the summer of 2003, and the final purchases were made in August of 2004.

The original plan had to be updated as it was revealed how much the structure had deteriorated. The walls were removed, the support beams replaced, the metal roof was replaced, new picnic tables were built (and rebuilt when 3 were stolen), ceiling fans were installed and wiring was updated.

Dustin originally applied for a Neighborhood Empowerment Grant which was $500 to start the project. The shelter was dedicated to his grandfather, Allen Jay Bodenheimer, following his Eagle Ceremony. The total cost of the entire project was just over $4,000. The documented number of volunteer hours for the picnic shelter was listed at 359, but in reality, it was likely over 400, with the volunteer hours from Boy Scout Troop 8, church members, friends and family.

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