Monthly Archives: November 2015

What were they waiting for? (first Sunday of Advent)

Good morning, Friends! Today is the first day of the season of Advent. Advent means “arrival”. Advent is the season of the arrival of Christ. It’s a time of expectation, a time of waiting. There are all kinds of traditions … Continue reading

Posted in Sermons | 1 Comment

A VERY old-fashioned Thanksgiving

Good morning, Friends! One of the hazards of being a pastor is that people ask you to say grace all the time. Seems like every time we sit down, somebody looks in my direction and says, “Pastor, wouldn’t you please … Continue reading

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Good morning, Friends! I love children. They’re one of the reasons I still have any faith left at all sometimes! I heard a story once about a new family that had just moved into town. Their son came to Sunday … Continue reading

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Good morning, Friends! I want to say something very simple this morning. It’s so simple, that we often forget it – even though Jesus himself said these words to us, in the most famous sermon he ever gave. You are … Continue reading

Posted in Sermons | Comments Off on Light


Good morning, Friends!   The folks who come here regularly know that I like to start the morning with something to make you smile. There had been a community revival service in town one time, and after the revival had … Continue reading

Posted in Sermons | Comments Off on Rest