Monthly Archives: February 2022

What does the Lord require? – 3 – Humility

Good morning, Friends. Today we’re going to wind up with the last in this series of three studies we’ve been doing on a single verse. We’ve looked at justice, and mercy. Today we going to look at the third requirement: … Continue reading

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What does the Lord require? 2) Kindness

Good morning, Friends! Last week, I said we were going to do something different. Instead of a new Scripture every Sunday, I said we’re going to spend three weeks looking at just one verse. I know everybody has their favorites. … Continue reading

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What does the Lord require? – 1) Justice

Good morning, Friends! I want to do something a little different this morning and for the next couple of weeks. Usually I choose a new Scripture each week. We talk about it, we pray about it, and try to understand … Continue reading

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Traveling ministry

Good morning, Friends! I hope you all enjoy the time we spend with the Bible every Sunday. We make a real effort to try to cover different parts of the Bible every year, so that we get the full, complete … Continue reading

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