Monthly Archives: August 2020

A Double Portion

Good morning, Friends! Our Scripture today is from the Old Testament. It’s a part of the Bible where we don’t usually spend much time. It’s a story about two Old Testament prophets, named Elijah and Elisha. Elijah was one of … Continue reading

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Generous spirits

Good morning, Friends! I hope you’re all doing well this morning. I was going back and forth this week with a friend on Facebook. They were complaining about how terrible 2020 has been. I said, “Just remember that during 2020 … Continue reading

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Let my people go

Today we’re going to look at one of the greatest stories of the entire Bible. It’s a story which dominates the Old Testament, and still echoes today. It’s from the book of Exodus, and the whole story is too long … Continue reading

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Beyond understanding

Friends, we have been through a lot together. And I don’t just mean the last few months. The last months have been challenging. But it’s coming up on five years since I came here to Springfield, and we have done … Continue reading

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