Monthly Archives: February 2020

Troubled waters

Good morning, Friends! We’re working our way through the gospel of John, from now through Easter. The point is for us to hear an entire gospel together, and listen to some of the greatest stories in the Bible. We’re reading … Continue reading

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That’s the plan

Good morning, Friends! We’ve already read a lot of Scriptures about love during the children’s time. So you know when the Bible talks about love, it’s not just an isolated thing. Love is all through the Bible! There are so … Continue reading

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Room for all

Good morning, Friends! Ever since New Year’s, we’ve been reading from the Gospel of John. Today’s reading is especially good for our worship this morning. Jesus is talking to his friends, and Jesus reminds them that God’s house is much … Continue reading

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Born again

Good morning, Friends! Thank you all for coming today. I appreciate each and every one who comes to worship, and I’m so glad you’re here. Today we’ve got a Scripture with a whole lot going on in it. We’ve got … Continue reading

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