Monthly Archives: June 2018

A deeper look at the 23rd Psalm

Good morning, Friends! I always think it’s good to go back and study things when we think we know all about them. Psalm 23 is one of the psalms traditionally attributed to David. David started out as a shepherd boy, … Continue reading

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Known and loved

Good morning, Friends! For the last couple of months, our Wednesday night Bible study spent some time on the Psalms in the Old Testament – those ancient poems and songs of praise which have come down to us. Many people … Continue reading

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How do we know?

Good morning, Friends! At Wednesday night Bible study we just finished spending two months reading through the Psalms – some of the prayers and songs which David wrote. David was famous as a warrior. He made a lot of changes … Continue reading

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Firefly time (June 2018)

I love summer time. In the evening, the sun hangs low and makes impossible shapes filled with gold and green. The sound of lawn mowers dies away for the day. People come out to walk their dogs and water their … Continue reading

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