Monthly Archives: March 2018

A day of hope

Good morning, Friends! Today is Palm Sunday – the Sunday before Easter. It’s a big deal in a lot of places. In some countries, everybody takes off the whole week before Easter for all kinds of special services. They have … Continue reading

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Who is the greatest?

Good morning, Friends! We keep getting closer and closer to Easter. It’s just a couple of weeks away now. I’ve pointed out several times in the last few weeks that even Jesus’ closest friends didn’t really understand who Jesus was … Continue reading

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Wearing the cross/bearing the cross

Good morning, Friends! We’re getting kind of close to Easter, and we haven’t really spent much time talking about it yet. Some years we have a long build-up to Easter, with a whole series of Sundays where we prepare for the … Continue reading

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Do you know me?

Good morning, Friends! Our scripture this morning is another one of those important stories that’s found in three of the four gospels – you can read it in Matthew, Mark and Luke. Today we’ll be reading Matthew’s version of the … Continue reading

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Quakers and the Underground Railroad (March 2018)

Slavery was a part of life in the American colonies – not just here in the South, but also in New Jersey, Rhode Island and New York in the early days. Slavery was associated with crops which required lots of … Continue reading

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