This song is my gift to all of you this year! I very seldom write new songs, maybe one every 4 or 5 years. This year I was hungry for a Christmas song which would say something about why Jesus really came to be on earth with us, what He wanted to share, what all the giving is all about.
It incorporates the three great gifts Paul wrote about in I Corinthians 13 – faith, hope and love – plus the gift of peace which Jesus promised when he said, “Peace I leave with you, my peace I give to you; not as the world gives to I give to you. . .” (John 14:27)
The tune is based on many of the Irish melodies I love.
– Joshua Brown
A Christmas Blessing
As Christ is born
I wish you faith
May mountains move and seas be calm
To lift you up and hold your hand
Your heart be steady and your faith be strong.
As Christ is born
I wish you hope
A candle shining in the dark
Though seen by none and almost lost
May hope come rising as the dawn.
As Christ is born
I wish you love
To hold you when the night is long
May love be with you everywhere
In every place you come.
As Christ is born
I wish you peace
Of heart and mind and home
The faith and hope and love and peace
Of Christ be with you in my song.