Friends Emergency Material Assistance Program (FEMAP)

FEMAP 3  FEMAP is a ministry of many Quaker meetings in North Carolina who work together to provide practical help for victims of natural disasters, as well as infants and children and farm workers.

For many years, the FEMAP office and work rooms have been located in the historic Allen Jay house on the FEMAP 1grounds of Springfield Friends Meeting. During the years after the Civil War, Allen Jay and other generous Friends worked out of this same house to distribute school books and other material assistance to the devastated communities of the South. So, in a way, FEMAP is providing a similar ministry today!

Following a disastrous fire in July 2023, FEMAP has been working out of the Youth Center in the basement of Springfield Friends Meeting.

FEMAP volunteers come together once a week on Wednesdays from all over the area to put together. The work days area always fun, with conversation and jokes flying while the work is being done. You’ll feel like you belong right away! FEMAP produces:

  1. Hygiene kits needed by people in natural disaster – our kits have been sent to victims of Hurricane Sandy in New York, to Haiti after the earthquake, and to a medical clinic in Mississippi
  2. Infant and school kits for children living in impoverished communities
  3. Farmworker kits for migrant workers here in North Carolina and elsewhere in the U.S.

You can help by donating items for kits, money for shipping, volunteering on Wednesday mornings, or by knitting or sewing at home.

The items most needed for FEMAP kits include:

  • baby hooded towels
  • baby washcloths
  • baby shampoo
  • tube or small jar of petroleum jelly
  • shaving cream
  • deodorant
  • Tylenol or other pain killers
  • box of band-aids
  • big bottles of shampoo
  • small towels
  • combs (wide toothed)
  • work gloves
  • adult toothbrushes (single packed)
  • spiral-bound composition notebooks (70-sheet)
  • pencils and small pencil sharpeners

FEMAP 5Handmade items such as afghans, infant and children’s clothing, sweaters and hats are also distributed.

Many friends of FEMAP also contribute good-quality hand-crafted or quilted items which are sold to raise money for shipping costs.


Where: 555 East Springfield Road, High Point, NC 27263
When: Wednesdays from 9:00 am to 2:00 pm
Call: 336-885-6921